Thursday, September 15, 2011

Demon Vs Luxe

Review Credited To: Austeller18 of

So I have now gotten a demon. I have been an extreme Luxe fan for over a year and heard this out performs the luxe in almost every aspect so, I decided to give it a try. Im going to try and give honest, non-biased opinions. I have not shot the demon yet because I have not had air but will update the thread when I do shoot it probably in the next few days. I will most likely be doing efficency tests for both guns. As of now I can post the stuff that you can tell from not shooting the guns.


Luxe- One of the only problems I have with the Luxe is how big the grips are. It has a wide grip frame (Thick) and grips add on more to that. I have pretty big hands and its still too big for them. Besides the grips I feel like the luxe has some of the best ergonomics out there. Its comfortable in the hand and it just feels natural to hold with its stretched out grip frame. The stock trigger is not all that great though. You would definantly want to purchase a Violent trigger. This trigger just adds to the natural feeling of the Luxe and I would say is almost a neccessary upgrade.
Demon- I feel like the Demon has topped the Luxe on ergonomics simply because of the grips. They have made the grip frame thinner, and the grips are a nice rubbery feel. If you have ever held a creed, they are the same grips. Its a very stretched out frame, more so than the luxe, and is also taller than the luxe. The reg is very small, making it easy to wrap your hand around making it all the more comfortable. The stock tirgger on the Demon is much better than the Luxe's, but can not top the Violent trigger for the Luxe. Although I am not saying that the Demons trigger is bad, its a great trigger, and very easy to walk the trigger.

As you can hopefully see the guns are both lined up from the barrel tip. You can kind of see the Demon's reg in front of the luxes and you can see the asa below the luxes. This is just showing that the Demon is a little taller and reg is a little more stretched out than the luxes

Powercore (Can, Bolt, Guide)

Luxe (Stock Powercore)- After running a completely stock powercore for a full year, I have found that it is very well designed. I have noticed that it does feed tight inside the can. It's not necessarly a bad thing, but can lead to bolt stick and first shot drop if you don't lube it, pretty much after every use. The stock bolt cups the ball but allows for a lot of roll back in the breach and a lot of time slams the ball instead of pushing it. All in all its a very good Bolt.
Luxe (Pooty Polished NDZ/Sprung/Polished Guide, NDZ/Polished Can, Pooty Flat Face Bolt)- I have used this powercore for about 3 months now and cant complain at all. It works wonders. With it being polished, I am able to put gun oil on my bolt instead of lube. This almost completely elimates bolt stick in and of it self because oil is so much thinner than lube. The Flat Face Bolt just pushes the ball instead of slamming it when a shot is fired, this will allow you to shoot very brittle paint and never chop a ball. The spring on the guide slows down the return speed of the bolt which in turn makes it smoother, and elimates all first shot drop and bolt stick.
Demon (Stock Powercore)-The demons power core is pretty impressive to me so far. It comes with a polished bolt stock, which allows for a very smooth bolt, which it is. The bolt glides when it is in the can. The design of the bolt is almost identical to the luxes. It just seems like they have a few modifications of their own. This seems interesting to me and I wonder how closely it performs to the luxes. Seems like a good bolt so far.

As you can see from the pictures, the Demon's Powercores is always on the left, the stock Luxe's in the middle, and the Pooty Powercore on the right

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